Peer Reviews Publications

    Peer Reviews Journal Articles

  1. De la LLave and Lopez FA (2024) Searching for correct specification in spatial probit models. Classical approaches versus Gradient Boosting algorithm. Spatial Statistics Accepted

  2. Rey-Blanco D, Arbues P, Lopez FA , Paez A (2024) A geo-referenced micro-data set of real estate listings for Spain s three largest cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science Accepted

  3. Lopez FA and Kholodilin K (2023) Putting MARS into space. Non linearities and spatial effects in hedonic models. Papers in Regional Science 102 (4) 871-897

  4. Rey-Blanco D, Arbues P, Lopez FA , Paez A (2023) Using machine learning to identify spatial market segments. A reproducible study of major Spanish markets. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 1-22

  5. Minguez R, Lopez FA and Mur J (2022) spsur: an R package for dealing with spatial seemingly unrelated regression models. Journal of Statistical Software 1-43

  6. Maddah, L Arauzo-Carot, JM and Lopez FA (2023) Detection of geographical clustering: cultural ans creative industries in Barcelona. European Planning Studies 31 (3) 554-575

  7. Paez A, Lopez FA, Menezes T. Renata Cavalcanti R Galdino M (2021) A spatio-temporal analysis of the environmental correlates of COVID-19 incidence in Spain. Geographical Analysis. 53 (3) 397-421

  8. Lopez FA, Matilla M, Mur J and Ruiz M (2021) Statistical Tests of Symbolic Dynamics. Mathematics 9(8), 817

  9. Lopez FA and Minguez R. (2020) The scan-LM to test instability in the constant coefficient os spatial autorregresive models. Economia 44(87) 74-880

  10. Lopez FA (2020) In memoriam of Professor Jesus Mur (1961-2020). Journal of Spatial Econometrics 2(1), 1-5

  11. De La Llave M, Lopez FA (2020) Spatial models for online retail churn. Evidence from an online grocery delivery service in Madrid. Papers in Regional Science 1643-1665

  12. Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, et al. (2020) My partner and my neighbourhood: The built environment and social networks’ impact on alcohol consumption during early pregnancy. Health & Place.

  13. Ortega-García Lopez FA, et al. (2020) Urban air pollution and hospital admissions for asthma and acute respiratory disease in Murcia city (Spain) (Espa?a).  Annals of Pediatrics DOI: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2020.01.012

  14. Le Gallo J, Lopez FA, Chasco C (2019) Testing for spatial group-wise heteroskedasticity in spatial autocorrelation regression models: Lagrange Multiplier scan tests. Annals of Regional Science.

  15. Lopez FA, Minguez R, Mur J (2019) ML versus IV estimates of spatial SUR models: evidence from the case of Airbnb in Madrid urban area. Annals of Regional Science.

  16. Paez A, Lopez FA, Ruiz M, Camacho M (2019) Inducing Non-Orthogonal and Non-Linear Decision Boundaries in Decision Trees via Interactive Basis Functions. Expert System with Applications, 122, 183-206.

  17. De la Llave M, Lopez, FA Angulo A (2019) The impact of geographical factors on churn prediction: an application to an insurance company in Madrid's urban area. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 3, 188-203

  18. C?rceles-?lvarez A, Ortega-García JA, Lopez, FA (2019) Secondhand smoke: A new and modifiable prognostic factor in childhoodacute lymphoblastic leukemias. Environmental Research, 178,

  19. Azurmendi-Funes M et al. (2019) An Integrative Screening Tool of Alcohol Exposure During Early Pregnancy: Combining of the CDT Biomarker with Green Page Questionnaire. Alcohol and Alcoholism (Accepted).

  20. Mat? ML, Lopez, FA Rodriguez C (2018) Geographical factors and business failure: An empirical study from the Madrid metropolitan area. Economic Modelling, 74, 275-283.

  21. Mat? ML, Lopez FA, Mur J, Atwi, M (2018) Geographical proximity, nonlinearities and financial behaviour of firms. AESTIMATIO, The IEB International Journal of Finance, 17, 26-53.

  22. Ortega-Garcia JA, Lopez, FA et al. (2018) Full breastfeeding and obesity in children: a prospective study from birth to 6 years. Childhood Obestity. 14(5), 327-337.

  23. Chasco C, Le Gallo, J, Lopez, FA (2018) A scan test for spatial groupwise heteroscedasticity in cross-sectional models with an application on houses prices in Madrid. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 68, 226-238.

  24. Mat? ML, Lopez, FA, and Mur, J (2017). How do neighboring peer companies influence SMEs’ financial behavior? Economic Modelling, 63, 104-114.

  25. C?rceles-?lvarez A, Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, et al. (2017) Spatial clustering of childhood leukaemia with the integration of the Paediatric Environmental History. Environmental Research, 156, 605-612.

  26. Mart?nez JA, Ruiz M, Casals M and Lopez FA (2017) Regular point scoring by professional basketball players. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 10(3), 759-772.

  27. Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, C?rceles-?lvarez A, et al. (2017) Childhood cancer in small geographical areas and proximity to air-polluting industries. Environmental Research, 156, 63-73.

  28. Lopez FA, Paez A, Carrasco J, Ruminot N (2017) Vulnerability of Nodes under Controlled Network Topology and Flow Autocorrelation Conditions. Journal of Transport Geography 59, 77-87.

  29. Lopez FA, Paez A (2017) Spatial clustering of high technology manufacturing and knowledge intensive service firms in the Greater Toronto Area. Canadian Geographer. 61(2), 240-252.

  30. Rodr?guez C, Mat? ML, Lopez FA (2017) El contagio en el fracaso empresarial como consecuencia de la proximidad geogr?fica: un an?lisis con los estad?sticos join-count aplicado al sector servicios. Revista de M?todos Cuantitativos para la Econom?a y la Empresa 23,75-97.

  31. Lopez FA, Mart?nez P, Cegarra JG (2016) Spatial spillovers in public expenditure on a municipal level in Spain, Annals of Regional Science, 58(1), 39-65.

  32. Rodr?guez C, Mat? ML, Lopez FA (2016) La proximidad geogr?fica en el contagio del fracaso empresarial en la pyme: Una aplicaci?n emp?rica con el modelo probit espacial. Estudios de Econom?a Aplicada, 34(3), 629-648.

  33. Lopez FA, Matilla M, Mur J, Ruiz M, Paez A (2016) A note on the SG(m) test, Journal of Geographical Systems 18, 87-96 (Matlab_codes_for_SGboots_test)

  34. Mart?nez-Ortin P, Moffett S, Cegarra-Navarro JG, Lopez FA (2016) Modelling the relationship between counter-knowledge and open-mindedness for policy development. Journal of Public Affairs (DOI: 10.1002/pa.1605) (pdf).

  35. Lopez FA y M Silva (2016) Factors of Mobile Learning Acceptance in Higher Education. Estudios sobre Educaci?n 30, 175-195.

  36. Lopez FA, Chasco C and Le Gallo J (2015) Exploring Scan methods to test spatial structure with an application to housing prices in Madrid. Papers in Regional Science 94(2), 317-346 (Matlab codes for Scan Test)

  37. Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, et al. (2015) Analysis of small areas of pediatric cancer in the municipality of Murcia (Spain). Anales de Pediatria. 84(3), 154-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2015.04.021.

  38. Lopez FA, Mart?nez P and Cegarra JG (2015) Interacci?n espacial en el gasto en servicios p?blicos de las entidades locales. Un enfoque panel mediante modelos SUR. Estudios de Econom?a Aplicada, 33, 81-100

  39. Lopez FA, Sant?sima-Trinidad S (2015) Perceived impact of tourism by the resident population in Torrevieja: national versus non-national residents. European Journal of Tourism Research 10, 120-126

  40. C?rceles JA, Ortega-García JL, Fuster GA, Rivera M, Berm?dez-Cort?sb, V. Gomariz-Pe?alver, E. Monz?-Nu?ez y FA Lopez (2015) Long-term follow up of childhood cancer survivors in the Murcia Region: preferences and attitudes of Primary Care professionals. 83(4):264-71Anales de Pediatr?a 83(4):264-71.

  41. Arnaldos F, Faura U, La Fuente M, Lopez FA and Ruiz, M. (2015). Frequency of use of Learning Content Management Systems. A Moodle vs. Sakai comparison for studies with economic profile, Revista de Investigaci?n en Educaci?n, 13(1), 69-87

  42. Lopez FA, Mur J, Angulo A (2014) Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. The Annals of Regional Science 53 (1) 197-220 (DOI 10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2)

  43. Mart?nez JA, Ruiz M, Lopez FA and Serrano A (2014) The relationship between concentration of scoring and offensive efficiency in the NBA. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sport  10(1),27-36.

  44. Lopez FA and M Silva (2014) M-learning patterns in the virtual classroom. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 11 (1) 208-221.

  45. Paez A, Lopez FA, Ruiz M and C Morency (2013) Development of an indicator to assess the spatial fit of discrete choice models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 56, 217-233

  46. Lopez FA (2013) Second-order polynomial spatial error model. Global and local spatial dependence in unemployment in Andalusia. Economic Modelling, 33 270–279

  47. Lopez FA, Mat? ML and A Artal-Tur (2013) Evaluating three proposals for testing independence in non linear spatial processes, Estad?stica Espa?ola 55 (180) 55-75 ( pdf )

  48. Lopez FA, JA Mart?nez and M Ruiz (2013) Spatial pattern analysis of shot attempts in basketball; The case of Los Angeles Lakers from 2007 to 2009. International Journal of Medicine and Science of Physical activity and Sport  13 (51).

  49. Lopez FA y M Ruiz (2013) Elaboraci?n de material docente para iPad con iBooks Author. ?psilon - Revista de Educaci?n Matem?tica, 30(1), 83, 95-104.

  50. Mur J, Angulo A and FA Lopez (2012) Looking for the causes of instability in spatial econometric models: An application to 2008 Spanish General Elections, International Regional Science Review, 35 303-338

  51. Mat? ML, Lopez FA and J Mur (2012) Analyzing long-term average adjustment of financial ratios with spatial interactions, Economic Modelling 29, 1370-1376

  52. Lopez FA and A Paez (2012) Distribution-free inference for Q(m) based on permutational bootstrapping: An application to the spatial co-location pattern of firms in Madrid, Estad?stica Espa?ola 54, 135-156 ( pdf )

  53. Ortega-García JA, Soldin OF, Lopez FA et al (2012) Congenital Fibrosarcoma and History of Prenatal Exposure to Petroleum Derivatives, Pediatrics 130,  e1019-e1025

  54. Ruiz M, Lopez FA, Paez A and J Logan (2012) Measuring Ethnic Clustering and Exposure with the Q statistic: An Exploratory Analysis of Irish, Germans, and Yankees in 1880 Newark Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102 (1) 84-102

  55. Lopez FA, Artal-Tur A, Mat? ML (2011) Identifying nonlinear spatial dependence patterns by using non-parametric tests: Evidence from the European Union. Investigaciones Regionales 21, 19-36 ( pdf )(Matlab codes for SG Test)

  56. Ruiz M, Lopez FA and A Paez (2011) Comparison of Thematic Maps Using Symbolic Entropy International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26, 413-439

  57. Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, Fuster Soler JL, Mart?nez-Lage JF (2011) Space–time clustering in childhood nervous system tumors in the Region of Murcia, Spain, 1998–2009 Childs Nervous System 27 (11) 1903-1911

  58. Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, Sobrino-Najul EJ, Febo I, Fuster-Soler JL (2011) Environment and paediatric cancer in the Region of Murcia (Spain): integrating clinical and environmental history in a geographic information system, Anales de Pediatria 74 255-260

  59. Lopez FA, Matilla M, Mur J and Ruiz M (2011) Four Tests of Independence in spatio-temporal data, Papers Regional Science. 90 (3) 663-685

  60. Mur J, Lopez FA, Herrera M (2010) Testing for spatial effect in Seemingly Unrelated Regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis 5(4) 399-440 (Matlab codes)

  61. Mur J, Lopez FA, Angulo A (2010) Instability in Spatial Error Models. An Application to the Hypothesis of Convergence in the European Case. Journal of Geographical Systems, 12 259-280

  62. Ruiz M, Lopez FA, A Paez. (2010) Testing for spatial association of qualitative data using symbolic dynamics. Journal of Geographical Systems. 12 (3) 281-309 (Matlab codes)

  63. Lopez FA, Matilla M, Mur J and M Ruiz (2010) A Non-Parametric Spatial Independence Test Using Symbolic Entropy, Regional Science and Urban Economic. 40, 106-115(Matlab codes)

  64. Mur J and FA Lopez (2010) Modeling spatiotemporal data: An issue in honor of Dr. Jean Paelinck. Journal of Geographical Systems. 12 (2) 105-109

  65. Lauridsen J, Bech M, Lopez FA and Mat? M (2010) A spatiotemporal analysis of public pharmaceutical expenditure, The Annals of Regional Science  44, 299–31

  66. Lopez FA, Mur J and A Angulo (2009) Maps of continuous spatial dependence, Region et Development. 30, 3-20

  67. Mat? ML, García D and FA Lopez (2009) La influencia de los efectos espaciales en el crecimiento de la productividad de la PYME, Estudios de Econom?a Aplicada 27(1) 95-118

  68. Mat? ML, García D and FA Lopez (2009) Spatial effects in the productivity convergence of Spanish industrial SME’s, Revista Espa?ola de Financiaci?n y Contabilidad 38, 13-35

  69. Mur J, Lopez FA and A Angulo (2009) Testing the hypothesis of stability in spatial econometric models, Papers in Regional Science 88, 409-444

  70. Chasco C and FA Lopez (2008) Is spatial dependence an instantaneous effect? Some evidence in economic series of Spanish provinces, Estad?stica Espa?ola 167, 101-118

  71. Lauridsen J, Bech M, Lopez FA and Mat? M, (2008) Geographic and Temporal Heterogeneity in Public Prescription Pharmaceutical Expenditures in Spain, The Review of Regional Studies, 38-1

  72. Mur J, Lopez FA and A Angulo (2008) Symptoms of instability in models of spatial dependence. An application to the European case. Geographical Analysis, 40, 189–211

  73. Lopez FA and C Chasco (2007) Time-trend in spatial dependence: specification strategy in the first-order spatial autoregressive model. Estudios Econom?a Aplicada. 25-2, 1-22

  74. Lauridsen J, Bech M, Lopez FA and Mat? ML (2007) Spatial dynamics of public pharmaceutical expenditures. The Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics, 1(1) 80-90

  75. Chasco C and FA Lopez (2004) Modelos de regresi?n espacio-temporales en la estimaci?n de la renta municipal: el caso de la Regi?n de Murcia. Estudios Econom?a Aplicada. 22 (3) 605-630

        Peer Reviews Contribution to Books

  1. Chasco C, Lopez FA and J Le Gallo (2020) The Spatial Structure of Housing Prices in Madrid: Evidence from Spatio-Temporal Scan Statistics. In Handbook Of Scan Statistics, 1-1. Springer.

  2. Paez A, Ruiz M, Lopez FA and J Logan (2014) The Micro-Geography of Segregation: Evidence from Historical US Census Data. In Social-spatial segregation Concepts, processes and outcomes, 124-136. Policy Press.

  3. Lopez FA, A Angulo, Artal-Tur A (2012) Capturing Spatial Clusters of Activity in Spanish Mediterranean Axis, In Defining the Spatial Scale in Modern Regional Analysis. Avances in Spatial Science. 225-280. Springer Berlin

  4. Bech M, Lauridsen J, Lopez FA, Mat? M (2010) Dynamic patterns and small-area variation in public pharmaceutical expenditure. In Empirische Regionalforschung Heute – Festschrift f?r Professor Dr. Hans-Friedrich Eckey. 159-178. Gabler Velag. Wiesbaden

  5. Lopez FA, Mur J and A Angulo (2009) Local Estimation of Spatial Autocorrelation Processes, In Progress in Spatial Analysis: Theory, Computation and Thematic Applications. Avances in Spatial Science. 111-139. Springer Berlin

  6. Chasco C and FA Lopez (2005) Space-Time Lags: Specification Strategy in Spatial Regression Models in Contributions to Spatial Econometrics. 125-151. Copy Center Digital, Zaragoza