Peer Reviews Journal Articles
De la LLave and Lopez FA (2024) Searching for correct specification in spatial probit models. Classical approaches versus Gradient Boosting algorithm. Spatial Statistics Accepted
Rey-Blanco D, Arbues P, Lopez FA , Paez A (2024) A geo-referenced micro-data set of real estate listings for Spain s three largest cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science Accepted
Lopez FA and Kholodilin K (2023) Putting MARS into space. Non linearities and spatial effects in hedonic models. Papers in Regional Science 102 (4) 871-897
Rey-Blanco D, Arbues P, Lopez FA , Paez A (2023) Using machine learning to identify spatial market segments. A reproducible study of major Spanish markets. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 1-22
Minguez R, Lopez FA and Mur J (2022) spsur: an R package for dealing with spatial seemingly unrelated regression models. Journal of Statistical Software 1-43
Maddah, L Arauzo-Carot, JM and Lopez FA (2023) Detection of geographical clustering: cultural ans creative industries in Barcelona. European Planning Studies 31 (3) 554-575
Paez A, Lopez FA, Menezes T. Renata Cavalcanti R Galdino M (2021) A spatio-temporal analysis of the environmental correlates of COVID-19 incidence in Spain. Geographical Analysis. 53 (3) 397-421
Lopez FA, Matilla M, Mur J and Ruiz M (2021) Statistical Tests of Symbolic Dynamics. Mathematics 9(8), 817
Lopez FA and Minguez R. (2020) The scan-LM to test instability in the constant coefficient os spatial autorregresive models. Economia 44(87) 74-880
Lopez FA (2020) In memoriam of Professor Jesus Mur (1961-2020). Journal of Spatial Econometrics 2(1), 1-5
De La Llave M, Lopez FA (2020) Spatial models for online retail churn. Evidence from an online grocery delivery service in Madrid. Papers in Regional Science 1643-1665
Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, et al. (2020) My partner and my neighbourhood: The built environment and social networks’ impact on alcohol consumption during early pregnancy. Health & Place.
Ortega-García Lopez FA, et al. (2020) Urban air pollution and hospital admissions for asthma and acute respiratory disease in Murcia city (Spain) (Espa?a). Annals of Pediatrics DOI: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2020.01.012
Le Gallo J, Lopez FA, Chasco C (2019) Testing for spatial group-wise heteroskedasticity in spatial autocorrelation regression models: Lagrange Multiplier scan tests. Annals of Regional Science.
Lopez FA, Minguez R, Mur J (2019) ML versus IV estimates of spatial SUR models: evidence from the case of Airbnb in Madrid urban area. Annals of Regional Science.
Paez A, Lopez FA, Ruiz M, Camacho M (2019) Inducing Non-Orthogonal and Non-Linear Decision Boundaries in Decision Trees via Interactive Basis Functions. Expert System with Applications, 122, 183-206.
De la Llave M, Lopez, FA Angulo A (2019) The impact of geographical factors on churn prediction: an application to an insurance company in Madrid's urban area. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 3, 188-203
C?rceles-?lvarez A, Ortega-García JA, Lopez, FA (2019) Secondhand smoke: A new and modifiable prognostic factor in childhoodacute lymphoblastic leukemias. Environmental Research, 178,
Azurmendi-Funes M et al. (2019) An Integrative Screening Tool of Alcohol Exposure During Early Pregnancy: Combining of the CDT Biomarker with Green Page Questionnaire. Alcohol and Alcoholism (Accepted).
Mat? ML, Lopez, FA Rodriguez C (2018) Geographical factors and business failure: An empirical study from the Madrid metropolitan area. Economic Modelling, 74, 275-283.
Mat? ML, Lopez FA, Mur J, Atwi, M (2018) Geographical proximity, nonlinearities and financial behaviour of firms. AESTIMATIO, The IEB International Journal of Finance, 17, 26-53.
Ortega-Garcia JA, Lopez, FA et al. (2018) Full breastfeeding and obesity in children: a prospective study from birth to 6 years. Childhood Obestity. 14(5), 327-337.
Chasco C, Le Gallo, J, Lopez, FA (2018) A scan test for spatial groupwise heteroscedasticity in cross-sectional models with an application on houses prices in Madrid. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 68, 226-238.
Mat? ML, Lopez, FA, and Mur, J (2017). How do neighboring peer companies influence SMEs’ financial behavior? Economic Modelling, 63, 104-114.
C?rceles-?lvarez A, Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, et al. (2017) Spatial clustering of childhood leukaemia with the integration of the Paediatric Environmental History. Environmental Research, 156, 605-612.
Mart?nez JA, Ruiz M, Casals M and Lopez FA (2017) Regular point scoring by professional basketball players. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 10(3), 759-772.
Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, C?rceles-?lvarez A, et al. (2017) Childhood cancer in small geographical areas and proximity to air-polluting industries. Environmental Research, 156, 63-73.
Lopez FA, Paez A, Carrasco J, Ruminot N (2017) Vulnerability of Nodes under Controlled Network Topology and Flow Autocorrelation Conditions. Journal of Transport Geography 59, 77-87.
Lopez FA, Paez A (2017) Spatial clustering of high technology manufacturing and knowledge intensive service firms in the Greater Toronto Area. Canadian Geographer. 61(2), 240-252.
Rodr?guez C, Mat? ML, Lopez FA (2017) El contagio en el fracaso empresarial como consecuencia de la proximidad geogr?fica: un an?lisis con los estad?sticos join-count aplicado al sector servicios. Revista de M?todos Cuantitativos para la Econom?a y la Empresa 23,75-97.
Lopez FA, Mart?nez P, Cegarra JG (2016) Spatial spillovers in public expenditure on a municipal level in Spain, Annals of Regional Science, 58(1), 39-65.
Rodr?guez C, Mat? ML, Lopez FA (2016) La proximidad geogr?fica en el contagio del fracaso empresarial en la pyme: Una aplicaci?n emp?rica con el modelo probit espacial. Estudios de Econom?a Aplicada, 34(3), 629-648.
Lopez FA, Matilla M, Mur J, Ruiz M, Paez A (2016) A note on the SG(m) test, Journal of Geographical Systems 18, 87-96 (Matlab_codes_for_SGboots_test)
Mart?nez-Ortin P, Moffett S, Cegarra-Navarro JG, Lopez FA (2016) Modelling the relationship between counter-knowledge and open-mindedness for policy development. Journal of Public Affairs (DOI: 10.1002/pa.1605) (pdf).
Lopez FA y M Silva (2016) Factors of Mobile Learning Acceptance in Higher Education. Estudios sobre Educaci?n 30, 175-195.
Lopez FA, Chasco C and Le Gallo J (2015) Exploring Scan methods to test spatial structure with an application to housing prices in Madrid. Papers in Regional Science 94(2), 317-346 (Matlab codes for Scan Test)
Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, et al. (2015) Analysis of small areas of pediatric cancer in the municipality of Murcia (Spain). Anales de Pediatria. 84(3), 154-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2015.04.021.
Lopez FA, Mart?nez P and Cegarra JG (2015) Interacci?n espacial en el gasto en servicios p?blicos de las entidades locales. Un enfoque panel mediante modelos SUR. Estudios de Econom?a Aplicada, 33, 81-100
Lopez FA, Sant?sima-Trinidad S (2015) Perceived impact of tourism by the resident population in Torrevieja: national versus non-national residents. European Journal of Tourism Research 10, 120-126
C?rceles JA, Ortega-García JL, Fuster GA, Rivera M, Berm?dez-Cort?sb, V. Gomariz-Pe?alver, E. Monz?-Nu?ez y FA Lopez (2015) Long-term follow up of childhood cancer survivors in the Murcia Region: preferences and attitudes of Primary Care professionals. 83(4):264-71Anales de Pediatr?a 83(4):264-71.
Arnaldos F, Faura U, La Fuente M, Lopez FA and Ruiz, M. (2015). Frequency of use of Learning Content Management Systems. A Moodle vs. Sakai comparison for studies with economic profile, Revista de Investigaci?n en Educaci?n, 13(1), 69-87
Lopez FA, Mur J, Angulo A (2014) Spatial model selection strategies in a SUR framework. The case of regional productivity in EU. The Annals of Regional Science 53 (1) 197-220 (DOI 10.1007/s00168-014-0624-2)
Mart?nez JA, Ruiz M, Lopez FA and Serrano A (2014) The relationship between concentration of scoring and offensive efficiency in the NBA. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sport 10(1),27-36.
Lopez FA and M Silva (2014) M-learning patterns in the virtual classroom. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 11 (1) 208-221.
Paez A, Lopez FA, Ruiz M and C Morency (2013) Development of an indicator to assess the spatial fit of discrete choice models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 56, 217-233
Lopez FA (2013) Second-order polynomial spatial error model. Global and local spatial dependence in unemployment in Andalusia. Economic Modelling, 33 270–279
Lopez FA, Mat? ML and A Artal-Tur (2013) Evaluating three proposals for testing independence in non linear spatial processes, Estad?stica Espa?ola 55 (180) 55-75 ( pdf )
Lopez FA, JA Mart?nez and M Ruiz (2013) Spatial pattern analysis of shot attempts in basketball; The case of Los Angeles Lakers from 2007 to 2009. International Journal of Medicine and Science of Physical activity and Sport 13 (51).
Lopez FA y M Ruiz (2013) Elaboraci?n de material docente para iPad con iBooks Author. ?psilon - Revista de Educaci?n Matem?tica, 30(1), 83, 95-104.
Mur J, Angulo A and FA Lopez (2012) Looking for the causes of instability in spatial econometric models: An application to 2008 Spanish General Elections, International Regional Science Review, 35 303-338
Mat? ML, Lopez FA and J Mur (2012) Analyzing long-term average adjustment of financial ratios with spatial interactions, Economic Modelling 29, 1370-1376
Lopez FA and A Paez (2012) Distribution-free inference for Q(m) based on permutational bootstrapping: An application to the spatial co-location pattern of firms in Madrid, Estad?stica Espa?ola 54, 135-156 ( pdf )
Ortega-García JA, Soldin OF, Lopez FA et al (2012) Congenital Fibrosarcoma and History of Prenatal Exposure to Petroleum Derivatives, Pediatrics 130, e1019-e1025
Ruiz M, Lopez FA, Paez A and J Logan (2012) Measuring Ethnic Clustering and Exposure with the Q statistic: An Exploratory Analysis of Irish, Germans, and Yankees in 1880 Newark Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102 (1) 84-102
Lopez FA, Artal-Tur A, Mat? ML (2011) Identifying nonlinear spatial dependence patterns by using non-parametric tests: Evidence from the European Union. Investigaciones Regionales 21, 19-36 ( pdf )(Matlab codes for SG Test)
Ruiz M, Lopez FA and A Paez (2011) Comparison of Thematic Maps Using Symbolic Entropy International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26, 413-439
Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, Fuster Soler JL, Mart?nez-Lage JF (2011) Space–time clustering in childhood nervous system tumors in the Region of Murcia, Spain, 1998–2009 Childs Nervous System 27 (11) 1903-1911
Ortega-García JA, Lopez FA, Sobrino-Najul EJ, Febo I, Fuster-Soler JL (2011) Environment and paediatric cancer in the Region of Murcia (Spain): integrating clinical and environmental history in a geographic information system, Anales de Pediatria 74 255-260
Lopez FA, Matilla M, Mur J and Ruiz M (2011) Four Tests of Independence in spatio-temporal data, Papers Regional Science. 90 (3) 663-685
Mur J, Lopez FA, Herrera M (2010) Testing for spatial effect in Seemingly Unrelated Regressions. Spatial Economic Analysis 5(4) 399-440 (Matlab codes)
Mur J, Lopez FA, Angulo A (2010) Instability in Spatial Error Models. An Application to the Hypothesis of Convergence in the European Case. Journal of Geographical Systems, 12 259-280
Ruiz M, Lopez FA, A Paez. (2010) Testing for spatial association of qualitative data using symbolic dynamics. Journal of Geographical Systems. 12 (3) 281-309 (Matlab codes)
Lopez FA, Matilla M, Mur J and M Ruiz (2010) A Non-Parametric Spatial Independence Test Using Symbolic Entropy, Regional Science and Urban Economic. 40, 106-115(Matlab codes)
Mur J and FA Lopez (2010) Modeling spatiotemporal data: An issue in honor of Dr. Jean Paelinck. Journal of Geographical Systems. 12 (2) 105-109
Lauridsen J, Bech M, Lopez FA and Mat? M (2010) A spatiotemporal analysis of public pharmaceutical expenditure, The Annals of Regional Science 44, 299–31
Lopez FA, Mur J and A Angulo (2009) Maps of continuous spatial dependence, Region et Development. 30, 3-20
Mat? ML, García D and FA Lopez (2009) La influencia de los efectos espaciales en el crecimiento de la productividad de la PYME, Estudios de Econom?a Aplicada 27(1) 95-118
Mat? ML, García D and FA Lopez (2009) Spatial effects in the productivity convergence of Spanish industrial SME’s, Revista Espa?ola de Financiaci?n y Contabilidad 38, 13-35
Mur J, Lopez FA and A Angulo (2009) Testing the hypothesis of stability in spatial econometric models, Papers in Regional Science 88, 409-444
Chasco C and FA Lopez (2008) Is spatial dependence an instantaneous effect? Some evidence in economic series of Spanish provinces, Estad?stica Espa?ola 167, 101-118
Lauridsen J, Bech M, Lopez FA and Mat? M, (2008) Geographic and Temporal Heterogeneity in Public Prescription Pharmaceutical Expenditures in Spain, The Review of Regional Studies, 38-1
Mur J, Lopez FA and A Angulo (2008) Symptoms of instability in models of spatial dependence. An application to the European case. Geographical Analysis, 40, 189–211
Lopez FA and C Chasco (2007) Time-trend in spatial dependence: specification strategy in the first-order spatial autoregressive model. Estudios Econom?a Aplicada. 25-2, 1-22
Lauridsen J, Bech M, Lopez FA and Mat? ML (2007) Spatial dynamics of public pharmaceutical expenditures. The Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics, 1(1) 80-90
Chasco C and FA Lopez (2004) Modelos de regresi?n espacio-temporales en la estimaci?n de la renta municipal: el caso de la Regi?n de Murcia. Estudios Econom?a Aplicada. 22 (3) 605-630
Peer Reviews Contribution to Books
Chasco C, Lopez FA and J Le Gallo (2020) The Spatial Structure of Housing Prices in Madrid: Evidence from Spatio-Temporal Scan Statistics. In Handbook Of Scan Statistics, 1-1. Springer.
Paez A, Ruiz M, Lopez FA and J Logan (2014) The Micro-Geography of Segregation: Evidence from Historical US Census Data. In Social-spatial segregation Concepts, processes and outcomes, 124-136. Policy Press.
Lopez FA, A Angulo, Artal-Tur A (2012) Capturing Spatial Clusters of Activity in Spanish Mediterranean Axis, In Defining the Spatial Scale in Modern Regional Analysis. Avances in Spatial Science. 225-280. Springer Berlin
Bech M, Lauridsen J, Lopez FA, Mat? M (2010) Dynamic patterns and small-area variation in public pharmaceutical expenditure. In Empirische Regionalforschung Heute – Festschrift f?r Professor Dr. Hans-Friedrich Eckey. 159-178. Gabler Velag. Wiesbaden
Lopez FA, Mur J and A Angulo (2009) Local Estimation of Spatial Autocorrelation Processes, In Progress in Spatial Analysis: Theory, Computation and Thematic Applications. Avances in Spatial Science. 111-139. Springer Berlin
Chasco C and FA Lopez (2005) Space-Time Lags: Specification Strategy in Spatial Regression Models in Contributions to Spatial Econometrics. 125-151. Copy Center Digital, Zaragoza